I coach women to achieve their dream physique & Maintain the results, SO they can live a life of confidence inside & out.

The Empowerment Club have 3 perfectly designed programs that’ll take you to exactly where you want to be. Equipping you with the tools to lead a healthy lifestyle all whilst living a life you love. Say no to over complication and restriction & yes to sustainability and enjoyment. Life is for living.

Ria Gandhi

I am on a mission to build a strong community of women who strive towards their health and fitness goals. My years of experience in the fitness industry has led me to conclude one thing…you can achieve your goals and still enjoy the things you love in life!

I am passionate about helping clients to feel empowered through their health by focusing on a holistic framework that encompasses body, mind and connection and recognise the power of mutual motivation and accountability.

I want women to feel strong in every sense of the word & build confidence both inside & out.

The Empowerment Club is ready to welcome you in!

What our clients have to say.

Looking to reach your fitness goals Whilst living the life you want to live?