The 8 week challenge.

A transformation like no other....

Hey it’s Ria...Let me tell you a little about why I created EMpower60:

“Truth be told, I hate when coaches sell 8 week transformation challenges. whilst you might see results, chances are you’ve got there in an unsustainable & unenjoyable way. after the 8 weeks is up, more than likely you’ll end up losing the progress.

Which is why I created EMPOWER60. This challenge is different. We focus on establishing healthy, long-lasting habits so not only will you make UNBELIEVABLE progress, you will also be armed with the tools to maintain them, whilst still living a life you love.

I don’t use the word transformation lightly. EMPOWER60 is designed to transform your mindset and understanding of training, nutrition and lifestyle and help you achieve your dream physique for life.

If you’re looking for a quick-fix, transformation blitz, you’re in the wrong place.

If you’re looking for a challenge guaranteed to get you results & maintain them? Look no further. This challenge is designed to transform and re-create your daily habits both in and out the gym and achieve long-lasting results that last you a lifetime. Say hello to the ultimate accountability.

Want to join The Club?

Our Approach

WHat does it include?

  • Specific calorie and macro goal for YOU

  • 8 week workout program HOME/GYM - demo videos and easy-to-follow via an app on your phone.

  • Weekly check-in form with your coach for added accountability with option to ask any individual, specific questions.

  • Progress photos and measurements only shared with your coach.

  • Group chat to share wins/challenges + inspo with all the incredible women on the challenge

  • Weekly non-negotiables check-list to be completed each week and ensure you are on track with habits outside the four walls of the gym

  • A complimentary copy of my high-protein recipe book for meal prep inspiration

  • Weekly Q&A where I answer all your questions submitted the week before.

  • Discounted tickets to our epic live events!



    In need of motivation? EMPOWER60 is for you.


    So you don’t feel like you’re going it alone in your journey. A community of like minded individuals who are going through the same process. Feel connected, motivated and inspired every day.


    Weekly check-ins to help you stay on track to hit your goals.


    Pick your program GYM/HOME


    Understand how to fuel to support your goals. Personalised macro and calorie targets to guide you nutritionally.


    Discounted access to our live community events.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

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