Our highest level of support and accountability. How many times have you set yourself a fitness goal, only to fall off the bandwagon a few weeks later? Does achieving your dream physique feel like an impossible task? Well I’ve got great news - say goodbye to restrictive approaches and achieve your targets through a bespoke, integrative method. Build long-lasting and sustainable habits to carry you to your goals and beyond!  

Plus, connect with likeminded, strong women through our community and feel inspired and motivated every single day.

  • A fully bespoke training plan tailored around your needs 

  • Tailored macro and calorie goals and personalised nutritional guidance

  • Support from your coach Mon-Fri 9-5pm 

  • Access to the nutrition and lifestyle hub. Holistic resources to support your  fitness journey. 

  • Access to advice and educational resources.

  • Weekly check-in form 

  • check-in call every 90 days with your coach to discuss your plan and progress.  

  • Premium Whatsapp Group with your coach and likeminded individuals.  

  • Regular zooms with industry experts.

  • Exclusive invitation and access to our regular community events included in your membership!

EMPOWER+ The Roadmap

  • PHASE 1: Establish

    Phase 1 is all about establishing your structure and routine. Building your healthy habits and understanding your why.

    We aim to educate and work closely together to ensure you gain the knowledge you need at the start of you journey.

  • PHASE 2: Maintain

    Phase 2 is where we move towards intuitive choices. You have established your habits and can easily maintain them on a day to day basis.

    This step is fundamental to the process. Reaching this phase helps you to maintain the results you desire.

  • PHASE 3: Perform

    Once you have completed phase 1 + 2 this is where we can begin to set specific performance goals that you would like to achieve.

    There is no point working towards a physical goal if your mindset is in the wrong place! Now habits have been established and maintained, we can work towards your goals in the healthiest and most sustainable way!

  • PHASE 4: Empower

    Becoming the strongest version of you. A place where you feel strong and empowered in every sense of the word.

    This phase opens up the scope for bigger challenges, sharing your successes in a “success session” with others starting their fitness journey.

    You have truly established an empowered approach to health and fitness.

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